Luke 18:8 (NKJV)
“When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
“I have not called you to live a comfortable life, but to have a blessed life with purpose. Your comfort zone in life can be your biggest drawback that is depriving you from the life I called you to live. I have called you to walk in faith and in order to walk in faith, you have to be at a place of trusting Me in your love for Me. When your love relationship with me is established and cultivated, you will be able to listen to and obey My voice.
“I see so many of my children building their own kingdoms and spending almost their entire lives on their own children. My question is, are you one of them?
Are you making disciples or having idols in raising the children I have given you in the first place? Are you equipping them for the times to come? Are you raising them up in My image and likeness? You can only do that if your identity is in Me. Because they will only do what you do.
“It’s good to want the best for your children but the best is not always a comfortable life.
In order to be blessed, you have to listen and obey. This comes from the fruit of intimacy. My word makes it clear in the Gospels that if you love Me, you will obey Me.
“My children, get out of your selfish comfort zones and follow me. I will give you purpose, I will give you direction. Your comfort zone will keep you in passivity and it will keep you from growing in maturity. All humans have a tendency to pursue happiness because it brings comfort, but all humans thrive when they have purpose. Your happiness is external and temporary, but the joy, peace, and righteousness in Me are eternal, everlasting and never ending.
“I love you just the way you are, but I will not leave you the way you are. I want you to grow, I want you to bear fruit that will bring glory and honour to Me. I want you to walk in what I have called you to.”