Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end.
At His Table
Part IV
“Come to My table, find rest here at My table. Be refreshed here at My table, for here, the Son of righteousness shines upon you. You don’t have to do anything here at My table, you can just ‘be’ in Me, be with Me. Are you ready to receive from Me? Are you ready to drink in deeply? The atmosphere around My table is not just inviting, it is not just love, it is also truth. You are in the presence of truth, so drink in My truth.
“I want to speak to you for a moment about time. Are you at peace with time as I have given it to you? Or do you feel that the time you have is not enough? My child, do you not trust that what I give is sufficient? Do you not know that if you needed more time in a day, I would have made the days longer? Prayerfully embrace the time that I have given you, because I can bless and multiply your time if you are in rhythm with Me. When you are too focused on everything that you need to do, instead of taking in a position of ‘being’, time is not your friend. I want to train you to think less and pray more, because this is where time is redeemed, and rhythms are restored. Here, healing flows. Abide in prayer because prayer sanctifies your time. I want you to make peace in your relationship with time. Many of My children do not have peace with time, and it causes you to miss My heart.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end.
“Do you believe that you are where you need to be in the place that you find yourself emotionally, spiritually, and even physically? Are you afraid of missing Me? Can you have the faith to rest within, knowing that you are in the palm of My hand, even when you are on your way, in a process of becoming? You cannot fully enjoy what I have for you at My table if there are lingering things that steal your peace. Will you place your time in My hands again? Will you wait on Me, adjusting your pace in order to stay in My peace and in My presence? My child, there is a dark, demonic assignment that has latched on to time that tries to steal My children’s peace. That assignment comes into full fruition when you struggle to manage time, when you feel rushed or pressured. Life today is filled with things that cause time to become your enemy instead of being your friend. Make peace with time so that your rhythm of life may be restored and blessed. Pressure will melt away when you prayerfully enter My presence, and wisdom is what will remain. You will carry out wisdom from My presence and you will establish rhythms in your life that are filled with peace and acceptance with joy because you’ve prayerfully placed your time in My hands.
“Do you sometimes feel that things just drag on, and you’re waiting for something to shift, something to change, something to happen, but you revisit and realise that everything remains the same? This makes you feel abandoned, alone, discouraged, and dismayed. Here, in this state of being, you are impatient with time, you’d like to speed things up, cause them to go a bit quicker… in both of these realities, you lose peace within, and you lack trust. Be kind and gracious with time, trusting that what I give is enough; My timing is good, and My ways are righteous. Place your time and how you deal with time, in My hands, and I will sow the seed of patience and wisdom in your heart. Patient endurance will cause you to wait on Me, while wisdom will cause you to create healthy, sustainable rhythms where you are able to flourish within time, within Me.”
Psalm 90:12
So teach us to number our days, That we may cultivate and bring to You a heart of wisdom.
“Bring your time, your response to time, your relationship with time, to Me, and I will make it something beautiful. I will create a garden within it, and I will cause you to have the heart of the sower, who is a good steward of seed. Your time is seed, be impatient with it and it will wither. Be rushed with time, filled with drive, performance, to-do lists, expectations, ambitions, and you will cause the seed of time to die under the weight of fear-driven living. Learn to abide. This means that you cultivate a lifestyle of praying instead of thinking, being instead of doing. This affects your capacity to eat and drink (receive) from My table. Time is in My hands. Time is a gift and a blessing. Unwrap it with Me as you pray through everything great and everything small. Then, I will crown time in your life with a crown of abundant life. Remember to stay at My table. Eat My words and drink My presence, for they will sustain you.”
Psalm 31:15
My times are in Your hands; Rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from those who pursue and persecute me.